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Converting Your Cold Webinar Leads to Warm through Easy automation

40% - that's the average drop off rate of your leads not showing up on your webinar or your workshop. By reducing the drop off rate, a workshop can generate more sales and revenue

Give it a try for FREE. 

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Used By Coaches From Different Niches To Grow Their Online Business And Increase Their Conversions And Show Up Rate

Do checkout the WebinarLead if you want to increase your webinars leads show up rate and gain more from the ads money you spent.

Honestly now, is this the best way to automate your workshop?

Manual methods or excel sheet systems that aren’t fit for your online coaching business can do more harm than good.

How will you engage your leads and customers in this super noise world?

ADD USERS TO GroupS to send group messages

You need to organize your leads inside a group who have shown interest in your workshop, but taking the wrong approach can lead to a bad user experience.

  • User limitation
  • Message read not sure
  • Not automated
  • Users can spam other users

Use canva or photoshop to create the badges

You might need to use extra tools to create badges for your workshop. This can motivate the users from taking action inside your workshop.

  • Time consuming
  • Difficult to manage
  • Risk of human error
  • Not automated

Hire a person who would handle participants

You always need a good team person but completely depending on him/her is not a smart move.

  • Expensive to manage
  • Not timely
  • Not scalable
  • Chances of leaving

Are you going to manually chase down every User?

  • Waste of valuable time & money
  • Not timely
  • Not scalable

How much is this costing your coaching business?

The cost of doing nothing could be much more than doing something about it.

  • Lost opportunities and limited growth potential
  • Wasted time that could be spent marketing
  • Paying for multiple tools and resources to fill the gaps
  • Losing potential conversions of users

Here's How You Can Do Personalized Engagement at Scale In 6 Steps 

WebinarLead is the only easy to use user engagement system with all the features you need to manage your leads and build the best workflow around your coaching without having to change anything.

Step 1

Create Your Own Profile - Share Info about you

Add your bio and social media links for your audience to know more about you.

Login to the system and update your profile.

Step 2

Connect With Your Other Tools - Auto Captures The Lead For You

This system supports third party tools integration.

The system would auto import your leads.

Step 3

Give daily points - build curiosity until workshop starts

This system creates a mini habit inside the users by automatically giving daily points.

By rewarding the user for their interest, we are reminding them about the workshop so they don't miss it.

Step 4

Give access - To audience who are interested

WebinarLead allows you to add users inside your workshop

Only users added will be allowed to access the workshop

  • How can I bulk upload users?

WebinarLead has a built-in feature to bulk upload multiple users with ease.

Step 5

Give Level Badge - that shows the user their next goal

WebinarLead allow creating your own badge level names.

When the user knows that action taken by him is increasing his status/level of growth. This would encourage him to participate.

  • How can I set up badges for my workshop?

WebinarLead allows to add badges when you are creating your workshop campaign.

Step 6

Gives Instant Gratification - that Motivate to take action

WebinarLead allow sending notification to the users on the workshop reminders, auto personalized welcome messages.

Example: "Hi, {person_name}, welcome to my 2 day workshop, your coach {coach_name}"

Example 2: "Day 1 is going live in 10 Mins."

This will motivate users to take action and build a trust on your service.

  • I'm not a tech guy, can i do it myself?

WebinarLead allows to add notifications and follow ups messages with ease, any non-tech person can do it himself.

coaches from 10+ different niches trust WebinarLead

They are coaches just like you. They had some doubt in the beginning but after using the WebinarLead they saw results.

  • Fitness Niche
  • Life Coach Niche
  • Web development niche
  • Mind Reading Niche
  • Facebook Marketing Niche
  • Landing Page Niche
  • Mindset Development Niche
  • Meditation Niche
  • More...

Still skeptical? Try it for yourself

Many Coaches Have Already Joined With WebinarLead, When Will You?

We understand that coaches are smart people who want to use a system that is easy and user friendly, so keeping that in our mind, we have built this system. You can get started in less than 15 Mins. 

  • User-Friendly
  • Cancel at any time
  • Free 5 star hands-on onboarding and support

Still not convinced?

Want To See The WebinarLead System in Action

Connect with our team and see how WebinarLead can help you automate and scale your coaching business. 

You can book a demo call with us. 

Inside the demo call, we will show you how WebinarLead can benefit your coaching business.